Vicky Christina Barcelona

Visst det finns filmer som är bra, bra på alla de sätt. 
Det finns de som är roliga, sorgsna, skrämmande, gripande, verkliga,
lätta, svåra, vanliga..och så finns det de som är ovanliga.
Ovanliga på det vis att de skiljer sig från mängden. Inte för att 
de försöker sticka ut på någotvis, men det blir så naturligt inspirerande och 
gripande udda.

"Vicky Christina Barcelona" är precis en sådan film. Jag blev under filmens gång inspirarad
att göra saker som står mig varmt om hjärtat, måla, fota, äta god mat, lära mig mig spanska,
träffa människor med andra upplevelser än mina egna. Att uppleva något nytt, vara galen och framför allt göra 
saker som jag inte borde göra. Gå min väg och bara vara egen och knäpp.
Kände mest igen mig i "Christina", men kände även en förståelse för "Vicky" och inspiration från "Maria Elena".

Men ett faktum är, Penelope Cruz är en av de vackraste och skickligaste skådespelerskorna vi har på denna jord. 
Woddy Allen ger jag ettt grattis för underhållande och inspirerande film.Punkt. 


it never ends, cause its a circle of life...

From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to be seen than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done

Some say eat or be eaten
Some say live and let live
But all are agreed as they join the stampede
You should never take more than you give

In the circle of life
It's the wheel of fortune
It's the leap of faith
It's the band of hope
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle, the circle of life

Some of us fall by the wayside
And some of us soar to the stars
And some of us sail through our troubles
And some have to live with the scars

There's far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round


© 1994 Walt Disney Music Company

its been with me since the day I first watched "The Lion King"..and will be with me forever...

A new day has come

As most of you have had the cold once or twice in your life Im not going to explain more what it is about.
And as you also know this means that most of those days with a cold has to include chocolate cake, tea, "Im feeling sorry for myself messages and phone calls", lots of FOOD, singing and lots of inspiration?? Or am I wrong. Anyway, thats how my day has been this far, had to stay home from work today, even if I had a sleep of 10 hours last niht, something must be wrong, right?..Or maybe  just the luck of inspiration hit me, and Im slowly feeling like I getting back to "normal" for every hour of sweets and tea that goes..

Im luckily enough one of those people who normally dont get sick, so I should be greatful for that. And as soon as I feel something coming, I tell myself "Im feeling great", and the morning Im alright again. Cause I belive everything we humans feel, do, say and think is in our head. As long as you are in good relation with your brain monsters, you will be fine. So right now I better have a chat to mine..

Enjoy your day!