From Fiji to Los Angeles!!

Hey everybody,

sorry mum and dad for not texting you but my cell phone doesnt work here, dont know why..
But anyway, It was great and such a weird feeling to see my lovely Ida again. Yesterday we went for some shopping straight away, i didnt buy anything cause Ida is the shopoholic of the two of us:)
I met some really nice americans last night after Ida went to bed, and one of them is a surf instructor,
 so I get free surf lessons tomorrow. Santa Monica is such a beautiful place, and the people here are so friendly,
almost as good as Melbourne..but not as good though..haha! Had a big day of shopping today again, not good,
but bought myself a new hat, cause I forgot the one I bought in perth on the plane from melbourne to Auckland..
Two pair of shoes as well, a pair of jeans and a new tshirt..but thats it until we get to San fransisco, cause my bag is already to full..

I had the BEST time in Fiji, the friendliest people(yea actually even better than Melbourne) ..and so relaxed and fun.
Made friends with lots of european people, irish, english(lots of english people in Fiji), italians, germans, french and so on.. I was the only sweede though! Yeay:)

Tomorrow is time for us to pick up the car, will be great to have a car in this city cause its a judge city..then surfing in Venice, then Bbq at the hostel..I love my life!! Miss all of you..

Moche!(goodbye in Fijian) 

Next Fiji!

Im off to Fiji islands..No computers for a while - how good!!

But feel free to text me when ever..

Good cant wait!! So excited:)


I miss...

Back at the hostel again after a day of walking around in Auckland. The sky tower was pretty cool though..
Had my last sausage roll ,in this part of the world, tonight..

I miss Jarrod...None

How dandruff schampoo can become Beer!!

Im  really proud of myself how I just stood up like nothing yesterday, after that first terrible night..
Anyway, like I  said life goes on. Every day is a new day, have to tell you what happend last night.
After having a beautiful dinner which was the other half of my lunch earlier the same day..and an interesting chat to one of the girls in my room- who was embarassed about her parents who now are travelling around the world after they sold their buisness, they are like hippies-was what she said. While I recon it sounds pretty cool!
 Talking to a japaneese man who I didnt understand a word of what he was saying, even of that, the conversation last for like 20 did I do that??

Went downstair to bye some schampoo(okey dandruff schampoo, not that I have dandruff, but in case, you know)..
On my way back I met one of my other room mates and his irish friend, they had just won a quiz in the hostel bar and asked me to come up and have a few beers, for free..and who says no to an offer like that. Because I sat in the bar with my bottle of schampoo, I had to be the dandruff girl the rest of the night..How funny. It was me, two guys from irland (Btw I loove irish people, they must be the funniest people on earth), four guys from england..Sofie and the boys, haha:) We had a really good time and four hours went past so quickly. I taught them the swedish song (sorry for the rude launguage), "sex sex kuken ater kex, uti brittas fitta kom far ni titta"..which Im not even gonna translate, cause when I tried it all sound so wrong. But for you who not swedish, I can tell you, its not very nice and its about sex...haha. They said I changed their picture of swedish girls, who they thought were like, Im an angel?? Maybe.Not.

I also met two girls from Denmark last night, and it turned out that they are going on the same flight as me to Fiji, and then doing the same boat trip..whats the chance?

So today is the day when was supose be a tourist in Auckland, but it seems like I have to deal with bank problems instead. Gaah, not worse than it can be solved I guess. 

Take care.

That was it:(

Hey everybody allihopa;)

To leave Melbourne yesterday was the most terriable i ever done in my life this far.
But why do I never realize until it's too late..when I arrived to Auckland could I only think one
simple thing..Take me back!! I was in tears all night, havent cried that much in maybe it was time now..
thanks for the best phone call mum and dad. Love you so much!
I miss my friends in Melbourne, the feeling, the smell and the feeling of being
at home. Believe it or not, I actually feel at home there. So that´s why I will come back soon.

I got the most beautiful present from Jarrod at the airport. Thank you sooo much, you made me smile, cry and
love in the same time.. can´t describe that feeling in words.

So what is Auckland like, hm, nothing too exciting. Guess this is a place you should visit together with people you love,
explore the different adventures here is to do, cause there is a lot. Was thinking of jumping from the sky tower tomorrow..but its gonna naa. Maybe Ill do the boat trip instead. We will see. Met some really nice people from Holland today, had a few coffees at starbucks..isnt that a great place:)

I feel pretty good today to travel.. its amazing how much there is to see in this world..almost forgot..

Love you all and Im off to Fiji soon, how exciting!!
check out some of my new pics at some problem with the upload so the rest of them will be up in
a few days!

Me in a rainy Auckland..16th june.

take care,

Im laughing - but it's true...

This song came up on my ipod last night when i went for my run around Albert lake..
I heard it lots of times before but never really lissend to this time i lissend and I laughed,
this is my life, described in someone elses funny..
Im not gonna say.i'm sorry, for not updating my blog as often as i should,
cause i dont feel like's easy isn't it..there's too many other things taking up my
attention atm.. Love, love, love...haha..

I'm broke but I'm happy
I'm poor but I'm kind
I'm short but I'm healthy, yeah
I'm high but I'm grounded
I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed
I'm lost but I'm hopeful baby

What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be fine fine fine
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving a high five

I feel drunk but I'm sober
I'm young and I'm underpaid
I'm tired but I'm working, yeah
I care but I'm worthless
I'm here but I'm really gone
I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby

What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be quite alright
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is flicking a cigarette

What it all comes down to
Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving the peace sign

I'm free but I'm focused
I'm green but I'm wise
I'm shy but I'm friendly baby
I'm sad but I'm laughing
I'm brave but I'm chicken shit
I'm sick but I'm pretty baby

And what it all boils down to
Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is playing the piano

What it all comes down to my friends
Is that everything's just fine fine fine
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is hailing a taxicab...

If you have a plan A, then you don't need your plan B..that would just be a bad excuse..

ciao for now..